Moderator Username: Tech808
Post Number: 14628 Registered: 8-2002

| Posted on Wednesday, November 07, 2007 - 5:04 pm: |
MAGNUM XLF-20C & XLF-20M Common-Mode Filtercords
XLF-20C™ | XLF-20M™ |  |  | Common-Mode Filtercord for CB / HAM Radios and Mobile Electronics. The XLF-20C & XLF-20M look exactly like the original PLF-10C & PLF-10M, the differences are in the electrical circuits. All noise or interference enters a 2-way radio thru the antenna system or the 12 volt DC lines. The XLF-20C & XLF-20M are rated at: 6-16 Volts DC "20" amps continuously, and are known as "COMMONMODE" filters. Unlike the PLF the XLF's address a WIDER range of interference problems and will reduce or eliminate not only DC noise it will also cancel any RFI that is coupled into the DC line, and due to it's design there is absolutly no voltage drop thru the filter. In addition the commonmode filter provides the highest isolation to both RF and Noise. Commonmode filters will reduce or eliminate noises in all 12 volt electronic components, these include 2 way radios, audio systems, including AM/FM receivers, stereos, amplifiers and video components. The instructions on the backer card now give instructions for a simple test that will determine if the noise/interference is thru the Antenna or DC lines. PRE-INSTALLATION TEST All noise or interference comes into your radio either through the antenna system or the DC power lines. The XLF-20C and XLF-20M will effectively cancel or reduce the noise coming through the DC power lines. To determine if the noise you are experiencing is coming in through the antenna or DC power line, conduct this simple test: 1. Start the vehicle and listen carefully to your radio's receiver noting all interference and noises. Start and stop the various DC switches and motors in the vehicle (windshield, wipers, turn signals, etc.) 2. Unscrew the antenna from the back of the radio and replace it with a dummy load. 3. Repeat step #1 and compare noise levels. 4. Any noise or interference that remains after the antenna system has been replaced with a dummy load, will be reduced or eliminated by using the XLF-20C or XLF-20M. Warranty Information The XLF-20C & XLF-20M Common Mode Filtercords are warranted against manufacturing defects by RF Limited/Magnum International for "1" year from the date of purchase. Review I have always been a BIG fan of the MAGNUM Power Cord Filter's and use both the PLF-10C and PLF-10M Power Cord Fitlers in our vehicles. But in the past I have had problems with the Strobe Lights & Rotating Light's we use in our plowing trucks causing a buzzzzz buzzzz buzzzzzz every time they would go off when plowing which is very aggravating when snow plowing and trying to talk/listen to the radio. Also everytime I would raise or lower the blade I would get a buzzzzz. After replacing my PLF-10C Power Cord filter with the XLF-20C Common-Mode Filtercord connected to my Magnum S-45, Ranger 158EDX and ALINCO DX-70 the problem has been SOLVED and I can operate the radios at 100% FULL POWER. And with the XLF-20C & XLF-20M Common-Mode Filtercord rated at "20" Amps, I no longer have any worries about pushing them to full output power or blowing the fuses if I need or want to swap different radios out for testing. FINAL COMMENTS! The XLF-20C & XLF-20M Common-Mode Filtercord for CB / HAM Radios and Mobile Electronics are rated at "20" Amps are a BIG improvement that will allow the CB and Ham users alike to use their higher powered radio's in their vehicles. Respectfully Submitted, Lon Tech808 N9CEF Lon ~ Tech808 ~ N9CEF CEF#808 ~ CEF HAM#001 ~ CVC#002 Tech808@copperelectronics.com