The following product is covered by a 2 Year limited warranty with Ranger
Rangler Bob |
This radio rocks. Not only have I worked some European countries with it but I've managed to also make contact with extraterrestrial stations from far across our universe.
charliebrown |
Very nice radio. Very stable on frequency. No frequency drift. plenty power and option's. Also plenty modulation. I am a license ham radio operator. The only problem I have is the price. I can get an Icom 718 100 watt radio that has more frequency coverage and option's for a $100.00 less. Usually ham radio's are a lot more expensive so I don't understand a radio with less frequency coverage and option's would cost a 100 more.
Licesed Ham |
Remember, this radio is a 10/12 ham radio first. It's used extensively in CB operations with a fairly simple mod. The features it has are ham specific, and the legality of using this radio on CB is something to be considered. I'm seriously considering this radio for mobile HAM operations, but I probably won't mod it for CB use. I've used Rangers before on CB and found them to be great performers. Since CB enforcement hasn't been ratified by most states, it's unregulated and as long as not too many mods are done on the radio, yours should be a GREAT performer. Remember that if you do "klip the limiters", the radio sounds "LARGE" but also has a strong tendency to splatter to adjacent frequencies. My personal recommendation is to leave the modulation limiter intact. ENJOY this radio. It may well be the last one you'll ever need either on the 10/12 meter ham bands when legally operated, or on CB. DO add the extra cooling.
GreenMachine |
nice radio but not enough features like maybe a clock ,or cb channel scan,i mean this radio is expensive,should be loaded with features.
Nighthawk |
This is quite the base rig. A big improvement for me no doubt. Nice receive and TX swing. Chose to have the tech align it for a nominal charge and am really happy with it. Only two things I am unhappy with; the frequency knob rubs against the radio face plate which I was able to modify and the lights behind the two meters go dim. I have to tap the top of the radio to make the lights go back to the setting. Not sure what to do about it but all-in-all a great radio!