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Base CB Antennas

Base CB Antennas


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 Sirio S-2016 Ground Plane Antenna
 Sirio S-2016 Ground Plane Antenna CB Base station antenna, Omnidirectional High power ..
Based on 10 reviews.
27Mhz 3' Balcony Antenna
CB Balcony or temporary install antenna Omnidirectional Designed to work without Ground Plan..
Based on 4 reviews.
A99-CK Ant. + GPK-1 Kit
Antron 99 with Ground plane kit lowers angle of radiation for greater range A99CK includes the ..
Based on 11 reviews.
Gizmotchy 3 Element W/1500 Watt Gamma G31
Sets of Elements: 3, Boom Length: 9' DB Gain: 12, Watts: 1500 Power Multiplication: 30X Fro..
Based on 1 reviews.
Gizmotchy 3 Element W/5000 Watt Gamma G35
Sets of Elements: 3, Boom Length: 9' DB Gain: 12, Watts: 5000 Power Multiplication: 30X Front..
Based on 2 reviews.
Gizmotchy 4 Element W/1500 Watt Gamma G41
Sets of Elements: 4, Boom Length: 12.75' DB Gain: 15, Watts: 1500 Power Multiplication: 40X F..
Based on 3 reviews.
M-105C-HV 5 Element Dual
Our Dual Maxibeams M105HV is like having two beams on one boom. You can even tune one part for 10 m..
M-106C-HV 6 Element Dual
Our Dual Maxibeams M106HV is like having two beams on one boom. You can even tune one part for 10 m..
Based on 1 reviews.
Maco 103C-HV 3 Dual Element
Boom Length 11.5(ft), Boom OD 1.5(in), 6 Elements, Turn Radius 10(ft)   Longest Elements..
Maco Alpha V 5/8 Base Antenna
Maco Alpha V 5/8 Base Antenna Seamless Aircraft grade aluminum, 5db gain, 1.5 maximum SWR, 1500 W..
Based on 15 reviews.
Maco Asteroid
Elements: 10, Boom Length : 26' Boom OD: 2" Longest Element: 17.5' Turn Radius; 16&#..
Maco BA-1 Balcony Antenna
Designed to use on 10/11 meter bands. It can be mounted either horizontally or vertically, dependin..
Based on 6 reviews.
Maco Comet 6 Element Beam
3 Vertical, 3 Horizontal, Boom Length 11.5(ft.), Boom OD 1.5(inches)   Number of Element..
Maco Flat 6 Element Beam
8 Element Maximum" Beam, Boom Lenght: 31' MAC Adjustable Gamma Match Gain: 17db, Turn Ra..
Maco Laser 400 12 Element Beam
Boom Length 31ft., Boom OD 2in., Longest Radius 18ft., Turn Radius 17ft.   Surface Radiu..
Based on 1 reviews.
Maco M103C 3 Element Beam
3 Element/ 11 Meter Base Antenna "Maximum Beam", Gain: 11(db) Adjustable Gamma Matc..
Based on 9 reviews.
Maco M104C 4 Element Beam
4 Element / 11 Meter Only. "Maximum" Beam, Boom Lenght: 16' MAC Adjustable Gamm..
Based on 2 reviews.
Maco M105C  5 Element  Beam
5 Element/ 11 Meter Base Antenna "Maximum Beam", Boom Length: 26' Adjustable Ga..
Based on 2 reviews.
Maco M106 6 Element Beam
6 Element/ 11 Meter Base Antenna "Maximum Beam", Boom Length: 31' Adjustable Ga..
Based on 1 reviews.
Maco M107 7 Element Beam
7 Element / 11 Meter Maximum Beam, Boom Length: 37.5' MAC Adjustable Gamma Match 2000 wat..
Based on 1 reviews.
Maco M108 8 Element Beam
Boom Length (feet) 40' Boom OD (inches) 3" Number of Elements 8 Longest Element (f..
Maco Shooting Star 8 Element
Dual Polarity Operation, Boom Length: 16', Gain: 14 db, Turn Radius: 13'   Front..
Based on 7 reviews.
Maco V-5000 Base Antenna
Seamless Aircraft grade aluminum, 5db gain, 1.5 maximum SWR,  5000 Watts Height: 16-1/2' t..
Based on 12 reviews.
Maco V-Quad
Vertical/Horizontal, Polarization plus high gain of 11 dB (14 dB stacked).   Weighs only..
Based on 4 reviews.
Maco Y-Quad
Vertical/Horizontal, Combination Quad Reflector/Yagi Driven, 4-Elements   Gain: 11db B..
Based on 4 reviews.
Sirio GainMaster Antenna
The NEW GAIN MASTER by SIRIO is a high tech fiberglass base station antenna for CB and 10m amateur b..
Based on 10 reviews.
Sirio Starduster M400 10/11 Meter
  Base station antenna unity-gain omnidirectional low radiation angle for excellent dx hi..
Based on 11 reviews.
Sirio SY27-3 3 Element Beam
Frequency range: 26-28 MHz Impedance: 50 ohm unbalanced Radiation (H-plane): directional Polariza..
Based on 2 reviews.
Sirio SY27-4 4 Element Beam
Frequency range: 26-28 MHz Impedance: 50ohm unbalanced Radiation (H-plane): directional Polarizat..
Based on 6 reviews.
Solarcon A99
17' Omni Directional Base Antenna Fiberglass Base Ant., 17 ft. length Operates on 10-12 Me..
Based on 28 reviews.
Solarcon Maxoptimizier
NEW! Upgraded replacement for IMAX-2000 antenna MaxOptimizer allows you to choose between a b..
Based on 26 reviews.
Gizmotchy 2 Element W/1500 Gamma G21
Gizmotchy® beams are made to build upon. For example, you can choose to start out with a 3 elem..
Gizmotchy 4 Element W/5000 Watt Gamma G45
Sets of Elements: 4 Boom Length: 12 3/4' DB Gain: 15 Watts: 5000 Power Multiplication: 40X ..
Based on 1 reviews.
Gizmotchy 5 Element W/1500 Watt Gamma G51
Sets of Elements: 5 Boom Length: 16 1/2' DB Gain: 18 Watts: 1500 Power Multiplication: 45X ..
Based on 1 reviews.
Gizmotchy 5 Element W/5000 Watt Gamma G55
Sets of Elements: 5 Boom Length: 16 1/2' DB Gain: 18 Watts: 5000 Power Multiplication: 45X ..
Gizmotchy 6 Element W/1500 Watt Gamma G61
Sets of Elements: 6 Boom Length: 20 1/4' DB Gain: 20 Watts: 1500 Power Multiplication: 50X ..
Gizmotchy 6 Element W/5000 Watt Gamma G65
Sets of Elements: 6 Boom Length: 20 1/4' DB Gain: 20 Watts: 5000 Power Multiplication: 50X ..
Based on 1 reviews.
Gizmotchy Power Booster 10/11 Meter  GPB 11
Addition of Gizmotchy Power Boosters to your Gizmotchy 10/11 Meter Antenna adds another set of direc..
Maco VQ3 V-Quad Antenna
Maco introduces the new VQ3 V-Quad® Antenna that has been designed and tested by the Maco Engin..
Based on 2 reviews.
Sirio Tornado 27 Base Antenna
Base station antenna tunable from 27 to 30 Mhz. It is made of anti-corodal aluminium tubes and suppl..
Based on 1 reviews.
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