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M-106C-HV 6 Element Dual

M-106C-HV 6 Element Dual
Brand: Maco
Product Code: M00-05177
Price: $789.99
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1 reviews   Rating: 5/5.
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Our Dual Maxibeams M106HV is like having two beams on one boom.
You can even tune one part for 10 meters and the other for 11 meters.
Just like the Maximum Beams, the Dual Maximum Beams are ruggedly built with swaged, slotted tubing for maximum strength with minimum wind loading.

Boom Length (feet): 31
Boom OD (inches): 2
Number of Elements: 12
Longest Element (feet): 19
Turn Radius (feet): 17
Surface Area / Wind Load (sq feet): 10.21
Wind Survival (mph): 90
Tuning (Mhz): 10/11
Gain (dB) 17
Front-to-Back Separation (dB): 31
Power Multiplication: 50X
VSWR (adjustable): 1.5 or less
Weight: 52 pounds

| 1 reviews
Have had this antenna for over 10 years now and I wouldn't have another beam. holds up great in winds of 90mph plus. Holds 1:1 SW very well, set it up over 10 years ago and haven't changed it. Ham 4 rotor works great with 60' tower. No problem getting with stepped on.

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