American made proven high-performance design that will withstand 3000 watts. The antenna is made fro..
American made proven high-performance design that will withstand 3000 watts. The antenna is made fro..
American made proven high-performance design that will withstand 3000 watts. The antenna is made fro..
Perfect for all Maco Dual Polarity Beams, Gizmotchy Beams, Moonrakers, PDLII, and more.
For users w..
Hardware Kit For Maco Gamma Matches
Our Dual Maxibeams M105HV is like having two beams on one boom.
You can even tune one part for 10 m..
Our Dual Maxibeams M106HV is like having two beams on one boom.
You can even tune one part for 10 m..
Boom Length 11.5(ft), Boom OD 1.5(in), 6 Elements, Turn Radius 10(ft)
Longest Elements..
The Maco 2400 Wattmeter is reads watts forward & reverse.
20-200-2000-4000 watt scales.
A most..
5,000 Watt Gamma Match, Works with all MACO Antennas except V-Quad
Uses standard hardw..
Co-Axial switchbox, 1 Kw max. power, Uses space age linear rotary switch
10,000 Watt Gamma Match, Works well with all MACO Antennas except V-Quad
Includes Hard..
30,000 watt Gamma Match works on all MACO antennas except the V-Quad.
Includes mountin..
Corrects High SWR between radio & ant., Handles 300 watts maximum power.
Receiver Amplifier with dual gate Mosfet for High Gain and low Noise
Adjustable gain from -20db to ..
Maco Alpha V 5/8 Base Antenna
Seamless Aircraft grade aluminum, 5db gain, 1.5 maximum SWR, 1500 W..
Maco Alpha V5/8 Assembly Instructions
Includes part lists, schematics, and assembly instructions...
Elements: 10, Boom Length : 26'
Boom OD: 2"
Longest Element: 17.5'
Turn Radius; 16..
Designed to use on 10/11 meter bands.
It can be mounted either horizontally or vertically, dependin..
3 Vertical, 3 Horizontal, Boom Length 11.5(ft.), Boom OD 1.5(inches)
Number of Element..
Maco Comet Assembly Manual
Includes part lists, schematics, and assembly instructions.M00-05166..
8 Element
Maximum" Beam, Boom Lenght: 31'
MAC Adjustable Gamma Match
Gain: 17db, Turn Ra..
Ground Plane Radial Kit Adds 3DB GAIN
Fits on A99, Shakespeare Big Stick and other fiberglass b..
Boom Length 31ft., Boom OD 2in., Longest Radius 18ft., Turn Radius 17ft.
Surface Radiu..
Maco Laser 400 Assembly Manual
Includes part lists, schematics, and assembly instructions.M00-05169..
Maco Laser 500 Assembly Manual
Includes part lists, schematics, and assembly instructions.M00-05171..
Maco M103 Assembly Instructions
Includes part lists, schematics, and assembly instructions.
3 Element/ 11 Meter Base Antenna
"Maximum Beam", Gain: 11(db)
Adjustable Gamma Matc..
Maco M104 Assembly Instructions
Includes part lists, schematics, and assembly instructions.M00-0515..
4 Element / 11 Meter Only.
"Maximum" Beam, Boom Lenght: 16'
MAC Adjustable Gamm..
Maco M105 Assembly Instructions
Includes part lists, schematics, and assembly instructions.M00-0515..
5 Element/ 11 Meter Base Antenna
"Maximum Beam", Boom Length: 26'
Adjustable Ga..
6 Element/ 11 Meter Base Antenna
"Maximum Beam", Boom Length: 31'
Adjustable Ga..
Maco M106C Assembly Manual
Includes part lists, schematics, and assembly instructions.M00-05156..
7 Element / 11 Meter
Maximum Beam, Boom Length: 37.5'
MAC Adjustable Gamma Match 2000 wat..
Boom Length (feet) 40'
Boom OD (inches) 3"
Number of Elements 8
Longest Element (f..
Maco M108C Assembly Manual
Includes part lists, schematics, and assembly instructions.M00-05160..
The MBSK (Maximum Beam Stacking Kit) is used to
stack M104-M107 beams. The cross boom length is
Dual Polarity Operation, Boom Length: 16', Gain: 14 db, Turn Radius: 13'
Maco Shooting Star Assembly Manual
Includes part lists, schematics, and assembly instructions.M00-0..
Seamless Aircraft grade aluminum, 5db gain, 1.5 maximum SWR, 5000 Watts
Height: 16-1/2' t..
Vertical/Horizontal, Polarization plus high gain of 11 dB (14 dB stacked).
Weighs only..
Maco V-Quad Assembly Manual
Includes part lists, schematics, and assembly instructions.M00-05162..
V-QUAD Stacking Kit Adds (3DB GAIN)
image shows antennas and stacking kit - antennas are not in..
Vertical/Horizontal, Combination Quad Reflector/Yagi Driven, 4-Elements
Gain: 11db
Maco Y-Quad Assembly Instructions
Includes part lists, schematics, and assembly instructions.M00-05..
Maco YQ2SK Stacking Kit 3DB
Stacking Kit for: Y-Quad, M103C, V-Quad
* Image is with V-Qua..
The Maco 5600 gamma match can be used on all Maco beams
except for the V-Quad. It has a 20,000 watt..
Maco introduces the new VQ3 V-Quad® Antenna that has been
designed and tested by the Maco Engin..
Set up to 12 TV for FM stations for automatic antenna positioning with the programmable memory