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Sirio S-2016 Ground Plane Antenna

 Sirio S-2016 Ground Plane Antenna
Brand: Sirio
Product Code: S20-05000
Price: $209.99
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10 reviews   Rating: 5/5.
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 Sirio S-2016 Ground Plane Antenna

  • CB Base station antenna, Omnidirectional
  • High power handling capability
  • Low radiation angle for excellent DX
  • Factory tuned at mid-band
  • Coil protected by transparent cover
  • Whip equipped with waterproof jointing sleeve
  • Equipped with excellent multi element ground plane
  • Protection from static discharges DC-Ground
  • Made of aluminium alloy 6063 T-832

    Electrical Data
  • Type: 5/8 wave ground plane
  • Frequency range: 26-29 MHz
  • Impedance: 50 ohm unbalanced
  • Radiation (H-plane): 360? omnidirectional
  • Polarization: vertical
  • Gain: 1.3 dBd, 3.45 dBi
  • Bandwidth at S.W.R. 2:1: 2100 KHz
  • S.W.R. at res. freq.: ~1.1:1
  • Max. power:
    1000 Watts (CW) continuous
    3000 Watts (CW) short time
  • Feed system / position: Transformer DC-ground / base
  • Connector: UHF-female

    Mechanical Data
  • Materials: Aluminium, Copper, Nylon
  • Wind load / resistance: 166 N at 150 Km/h / 130 Km/h
  • Wind surface: 0.14 m?
  • Height (approx.): 240 inches
  • Weight (approx.): 11.7 lbs.
  • Radial length (approx.): 27.5 inches
  • Mounting mast: ? 1.5 - 2 inches


| 10 reviews
i had the original one back in late 90s i think it was called the ranger something any way!! this sirio 2016 is amazing, at only 18.5' to the feed point. i have talked to people as far as south america and the dominican republic and puerto rico. from california central valley. we are talking 4-5k miles on a veryical at less than 20 feet of the ground!! i think one of the best verticals on the market also very quiet! just get it! you will be happy!! for added strenght and conductivity i cut every section of alum right oposite side of the screws about 3" and used hose clamps instead of the little self tapping screws, makes it waaaaay stronger also dont be shy and put a dab of adhesive (of your choice) on the set screw for the too section just to be sure it wont back out on you do to the awesomeness you are about to shoot into the airwaves!!
| 10 reviews
I've had this antenna up for about 6 months. Excellent TX and clear reception on my Galaxy 2547, but this radio did great with my old Sirio Moonraker. I can shoot skip from all over the US and I can receive skip from some Aussies, but ionosphere only allows reception so far to those blokes. Very pleased with my 2016 using RG 213 coax. Very easy assembly, no tuning needed. Pretty much "plug and play"! I have the top over the antenna at about 40'.
| 10 reviews
I got this antenna in the summer of July 2020. I wanted to wait a bit before leaving a review so I could test it out. Flawless is the word I use. It can handle wind gusts and the SWR is 1.1 on 100 channels above channel 40 or 100 channels below channel 1. I am very pleased with my purchase. Copper is a great place to do business with!
| 10 reviews
These are great antenna's.I have co/phased these up which really works great too.They hold their value well.We paid this 10 years ago too.They are way better then any fiberglass antenna you can buy on the market.
| 10 reviews
I have had my 2016 up for 5 years now maintenance free. Easy to assemble just follow the instruction measurements and the SWR's will be fine. Went through the hurricane here in Corpus Christi with no problems. I have talked all over the U.S., Canada, into the U.K. and Hawaii all barefoot. Very pleased all around great base antenna. Top is at 40'.

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