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Sirio GainMaster Antenna

Sirio GainMaster Antenna
Brand: Sirio
Product Code: S20-05010
Price: $219.99
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10 reviews   Rating: 5/5.
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The NEW GAIN MASTER by SIRIO is a high tech fiberglass base station antenna for CB and 10m amateur band. Engineered with the most advanced available technologies, it is completely manufactured in Italy with high quality materials. Completely designed by electromagnetic simulation to achieve the maximun gain and optimize the radiation pattern and bandwidth. The new design of the radiant element works like a central feeded dipole so all RF currents on the radiator are in-phase and the ground plane radials are not necessary. The coaxial coil at the bottom works like an RF choke for optimum decoupling from mast and feeding line. Made of Fiberglass telescopic tubes, it is DC Grounded for the best protection from static discharges.

Type: 0.625 wave centernfeeded vertical dipole, *FREQ. RANGE: 25.5-30MHz 400CB channel & 10 m Ham Band, *IMPEDENCE: 50 oHM, *Radiation: Omnidirectional, *Polarization: Linear Vertical, *Max. Gain on the horizon: 1-2dB higher than conventional 5/8 wave, *Max Power: 500W constant, 1,000 Short Time, Lightening Protection: All metal parts are DC grounded. The inner conductor shows DC a short.

Antenna is approximately 24 Feet Tall and will handle 500 Watts


| 10 reviews
Own and use super-penatrator 500, 5/8 wave vintage antenna from the 70's,love my metal antenna 20 feet in the air. But compaired to it,this ant sent same signal and received as well.20 feet off the ground and had no problem working DX stations.Blows the A-99 and away and also used it up on 10 meters voice with inpresive results--swr near flat across the freq.posted 25.5 to 28.5.It bends quite a bit in the wind,after being up for 3 years pulled down for inspection,was like i just put it up and no discoloring from the UV rays.
| 10 reviews
The Sirio Gainmaster dominates! 24 feet! It's a pounder!
| 10 reviews
Wow, Impressive performance all across the globe on 10m !!
| 10 reviews
Out of all of the verticals that I've used, this one is the best. 15 feet off the ground and I can work most dx barefoot from Kentucky, and works great for local as well. I put electrical tape on all joints to help with stability.
| 10 reviews
I have never thought much of fiberglass antennas because they Bleed and too much RF.. but this Sirio Gain-Master vertical does a very good job on both tx/rx! I sill like aluminum antennas better.. but the Gain-Master does a far better job that other fiberglass antennas out on the market today. You Need To Try One For Yourself!

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