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6Ft Black Skipshooter Antenna

6Ft Black Skipshooter Antenna
Brand: Skipshooter
Product Code: M00-09050
Price: $34.00
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2 reviews   Rating: 5/5.
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American made proven high-performance design that will withstand 3000 watts. The antenna is made from a rugged solid fiberglass core. The S6 SkipShooter antenna has a flexible braid connection that reduces the chance of breakage when the antenna contacts objects while the vehicle is in motion.

  • All SkipShooter antennas are made in America with all American made components. Each S6 antenna is wound with 20 gauge insulated wire to prevent the windings from shorting out.
  • SkipShooter antennas are the most durable wire-wound antennas on the market. The Skipshooter design with the flexible braid to eliminate breakage has been a proven performer since 1967.
  • The SkipShooter antennas are compatible with autos, trucks, vans, motorcycles and ATVs. All SkipShooter antennas may be used in a single antenna configuration when a metallic ground is available. All SkipShooter antennas may be used in a dual (co-phased) configuration on any vehicle made from any type of material.
  • The tuning rod on all SkipShooter antennas are easily accessible if tuning is needed.
  • The 3/8-24 threaded base is made out of brass, is plated with a shiny nickel finish, and fits all standard antenna mounts. Each antenna is covered with a water tight sleeve.
  • Top loaded antenna


| 2 reviews
After reading poor boys review I couldn't help but laugh...out performs a predator 10k..check out cb coil antennas exposed online and the proof is there, this WILL NOT out perform ANY large coil antenna! A large coil antenna has more surface area to receive signals, is more broadband and more efficient. I am not knocking this antenna because it is a great antenna and may out perform a wilson 5000 due to a hard solid grounded mount versus a magnetic mount. As for power handling I have personally ran a little over 700 watts through it with no issues before giving it away due to low band coverage. My Tram TBC9 antenna outperforms this all day long for a few bucks more.
| 2 reviews
Out talks and out hears the predator 10k hands down and makes a wilson 5000 look like a coathange in comparison.Will take alot more than 3k.Running a 16 pill with 4pill driver and cant hurt it

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