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Sirio Turbo 5000 PL 10m & CB Mobile Antenna

Sirio Turbo 5000 PL 10m & CB Mobile Antenna
Brand: Sirio
Product Code: S20-05014
Price: $94.99
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5 reviews   Rating: 5/5.
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Sirio Turbo 5000 PL 10m & CB Mobile Antenna
90° tilting(no tools required)
Base Loaded
Freq. Range: 27-28.5MHz
Holds 2,000watts
Suitable for Magnetic Mount
Whip detachable for car wash
17/7 PH tapered stainless steel whip
Approx Height 6 1/2 feet
| 5 reviews
This 5000PL is a pleasure to own/use. It replaced my old "Big Bubba" which I bought from and reviewed for Copper almost 20 years ago. This Sirio is of similar-if-not-identical design and unless it flies off the roof of the SUV I'll be using this until my own expiration date arrives
| 5 reviews
I ran a Wilson 1000 & 5000 for the last 17 years. Both good antennas. But I tuned my Sirio 5000PL with the Sirio 145 PL mag mount to 1:7 on 26.950 to 1:8 on 28.740. on my Chrysler & Dodge mini vans. Which I feel is very good. I had remove about 1 1/4" off the stinger. This is truly a super talking antenna. Giving me many more miles over the Wilsons. I'm seeing 30 or more miles all day. And just for the freebanders. My SWR is 1:1 on 27.555 as seeing on my MFJ-259. I love the fact that this one antenna can do both 10 & 11 meters. You will love it! I still do after running it for 6 years.
| 5 reviews
Works better than my Wilson 5000 mag mount. I get almost double the range and the receive is a lot clearer. Have had it for 2 years now with no problems. I should get another one as a spare someday. This antenna gets out at least 25-30 miles on a good day, and skip talking on my Stryker is a breeze. No hassle just tune once, and go on any channel with low swr’s across the 11m band.
| 5 reviews
The best mobile antenna there is period! It looks exactly like my RM Z-180 and that puts my wilson 1000 to shame! I was parked and talking to a trucker on the highway. He was driving away from me and after a while I could hear him but he couldn't hear me. I told him to wait a second and unscrewed my wilson and screwed on my Z-180. I keyed down and said hey you still there? He said WOW what did you do, you sound way better than before. When I told him he was surprised to say the least and here is the kicker. They gave it to me for free and I still have it today, 12 years later. True story!
| 5 reviews
1st Sirio i ever had. the recieve is very good. getting out farther by 2x than my K-40

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