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Texas Star DX 350HDV Mobile *

Texas Star DX 350HDV Mobile *
Brand: Texas Star
Product Code: W90-00230
Price: $359.99
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18 reviews   Rating: 5/5.
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Frequency: 28-29.7 Mhz

  • 350W/30A
  • 2-2SC2879
  • Variable Power W/SSB Delay
  • Supply: 12V

    *These units are for industrial, scientific, medical, or export use only. It is a violation of US FCC regulations to operate these units on the Citizens Band or Amateur Radio Services in the United States. Please check regulations in your country before operating these unit.




| 18 reviews
I’m getting a 3rd one just in case just because it is not always available and these are such excellent amps!
| 18 reviews
Got one for the home base and one for the mobile about a year and a half ago. Both work very well and always get good signal reports. I transmit very clean signals into them on both AM and SSB, and the signals coming out of the DX350s are just a clean. I run the home base DX350 upside down so the heat sink is pointing up to pull heat away quicker since I hit that one much harder with the base radio. I use a 50A linear power supply to run the base amp and it pulls about 30A peak which is also about full meter deflection on the built in meter on the amp.
| 18 reviews
I liked it so much i bought another one for the mobile!
| 18 reviews
I owned a Texas Star 350 as my first amp. I got many compliments about the way my mobile sounded nice and strong with a big signal. I ran it with a Ranger 2950 and it performed flawlessly. I went on to eventually own a 16 pill Joker amp but I always remember my Little Texas Star.
| 18 reviews
Hello everyone. Texas star is the king of cb radio amplifiers. Texas star has been around for over 30 years. You cannot go wrong. Very good quality.

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