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KL 503HD Mobile Amp

KL 503HD Mobile Amp
KL 503HD Mobile Amp
Brand: RM Italy
Product Code: W90-00024
Price: $314.99

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2 reviews   Rating: 5/5.
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Amp is a 300 Watt Average depending on the output of the radio and
how accurate the SWR meter is.
  • Frequency - 25-30 MHz
  • Input energy/power - 12-14 A
  • Input power - 1 - 35 W on all modes
  • Output power - 300 W Max
  • Max Bypass power (Amplifier off): 50W Max
  • Mode - AM-FM-SSB-CW data etc (all narrowband mode)
  • Fuse - 3x10 A
  • Preamp - 26 dB
  • Input VSWR:  1.1 - 1.5:1
  • output VSWR max: 2.5:1
  • Output power level - 6
  • Electronic switch
  • Inversion polarity protection
13" W x 9" L x 4" H
  • NOTE: This device has a terminal to connect a power cable.
    So not a fixed power cable and no power cable included.
    To prevent damage to your installation, make sure to use power leads from good quality, sufficient mm2 and not too long.

  • There is no warranty on these items

    *These units are for industrial, scientific, medical, or export use only. It is a violation of US FCC regulations to operate these units on the Citizens Band or Amateur Radio Services in the United States. Please check regulations in your country before operating these unit.
| 2 reviews
This amp works perfectly my power supply is set at 15.2 volts my radio puts out 20 amps dead key and swings to about 35 amp dead keys 300 w and swings to 400 with modulation highly recommend this app
| 2 reviews
It says 300w, if you read the instruction manual it says you can over volt to 16. With a 50 amp power supply, 15 DK and 35 swing with 15.05 volts you will get 400 PEP easy. I would recommend adding a fan if overvolting and not push more than 15.05. Great amp for SSB!

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