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Galaxy DX 86V 10 Meter Mobile

Galaxy DX 86V 10 Meter Mobile
Brand: Galaxy
Product Code: G10-00022
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5 reviews   Rating: 5/5.
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The new Galaxy Dx-86v is a simplified version of the Dx99v2 in a "Cobra 29/Galaxy Dx929" size chassis. The galaxy Dx86v also features a front 4 pin mic jack, AM/SSB, Backlit Starlite faceplate. It has the same power as previous Galaxy High Power(HP) models.

*Compact Chassis (Only 7.25" Wide)
*Large SWR/RF Meter
*5 Digit Frequency Counter (Blue SMT LED)
*Fine/Coarse Clarifier
*Backlit Faceplate
*Dual MOSFET Output (around 40w tuned)
*Front Mic

Comes with 4 pin stock mic
*Automatic SWR Check (Does not set SWR)
*Same Power As The Dx99v2

*No Echo, no +10KHz switch, no PA, no FM, no Roger Beep. Note: The Clarifier will work as a 10KHz switch.


| 5 reviews
Great set, tho SSB drifts a tad for a bit, typical Galaxy. Exc deal for 40W SSB radio with all the controls you need up front, no frills no effects. But that is just fine. Just talked with #2 in HI with it hooked to a 2x6 pill n Antron on 22' pole, runs amp very well. 40W with the quick turn of a screwdriver. Can't decide which I like better - this or the AT5555N2. Love em both!
| 5 reviews
Update on my last review, I now can operate this radio on the 10 meter band (28.315 to 28.505+) this was done by moving the colored wires on the "adder board" which is a small board bolted to the side of the chassis near the channel selector switch. U will see a header with multible wires, by very carefully removing these wires to the proper spot, it will move the frequency of operation to the proper spot on the 10 Meter band. Great radio..
| 5 reviews
You CAN get it to work in the portion of 10 you want, while also working on 11. Look for my Youtube channel to see how I did it. Actually very simple. I really like this radio. It's old school simple, just like the ones we used to have. Sounds great on SSB too.
| 5 reviews
Being that it has three 40 channel banks on it and it does not have any more, or have a VFO ...The moment that you do the "Expand, Align and Tune" it no longer has the ability to access the 10 Meter Band. You know are the proud owner of a Hot Rodded CB Radio that accesses the free band 40 below and 40 above.
| 5 reviews
This radio works great right out of the box. Dead key on AM is about 10W and very loud TX audio, SSB has about 40W out. The only thing I found disappointing about this radio is the fact that I cant find any info on getting it to operate on 28 - 28.5 MHz 10 meter band.

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