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K40 Helical Coil CB Antenna

K40 Helical Coil CB Antenna
Brand: K40
Product Code: A20-05080
Price: $59.99
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4 reviews   Rating: 5/5.
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Open Helical Coil Gives Wide Bandwidth (26 to 30MHz) and Efficient Cooling
Tunable 0.200" x 48" Tapered Stainless Steel Whip
Great SWR Match and Tuning Outside of Normal CB Bands
Anodized Aluminum Construction Light-Weight Corrosion Resistant
Chrome Plated Brass Ferrules and Stainless Steel Stud for Strong Mounting
20,000 Watts


| 4 reviews
I bought this antenna and works great. I have seen reviews on it saying they make noise but I have mine on a freighliner classic and I hear no noise from it. It does great job even talking skip and thinking about buying one for my pickup.
| 4 reviews
This antenna works well except it can make noise, the cure is to put rubber in between the coils to stop the oscilation noise.
| 4 reviews
I have this antenna and it does a real good job I ride up on the mountain and I can get out for a long ways
| 4 reviews
great antenna i replaced a hustler with this one and big improvement and getting your swr low on this antenna is easy! only bad thing is you got to really play with it to get the humming to go away happens alot from 30mph to 55mph just keep spinning it till you find a good spot other wise youll think a ufo is chasing you

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