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Manuf. 30.00 Grab Box

Manuf. 30.00 Grab Box
Product Code: 010-00118
Price: $30.00
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2 reviews   Rating: 4/5.
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| 2 reviews
Looks like you get more than your moneys worth!! I guess some people are never happy. If you expect a brand new RCI-2980-wx then save your $30.00 and buy a powerball ticket and some $5.00 scratch tickets and if you win you can buy one. just a used freq counter is worth $30.00 As always through the years THANK YOU COPPER for such a fine company and great products and service.
| 2 reviews
Kind of disapointed. But they do call it a grabbox. In my box some of the items were used mouse for computer, different types of coax used, one PL-259, workman echo mike new, swr/pwr meter used, four sound modules no info on how to connect them one brand new with info, antenna spring and quick disconnect. I give it a 3 out of 5. Shipping was one time fast.

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