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Pyramid PS14KX 12 Amp

Pyramid PS14KX 12 Amp
Brand: Pyramid
Product Code: P01-00008
Price: $84.99
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3 reviews   Rating: 5/5.
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Input: 115V AC, 60Hz,
Output: 13.8V DC, Fuse Protected
12 AMP Constant/14 AMP Surge
Powers Cellular Phones,12V DC CB Radios, Scanners, HAM Radios, Autosound Systems
Screw Terminal Connectors
Electronic Overload Protection w/ Auto Reset
Short Circuit & Thermal Protection
LED Condition Indicators
Heavy Duty Cabinet & Heatsink with Anti-Skid Rubber Feet
Dimensions:7.87''L x 7.16''W x 4.72''H
| 3 reviews
I have had this same power supply for over 20 years. I have ran a wide verity of radios and amps on it over the years and it's still going strong.
| 3 reviews
I have the same power supply & no problems. I had this about three yrs now...
| 3 reviews
I'VE had this power supply for 3 Yrs now, No Problers. I run a R.C.I. 2950 DX, and a Modulator together no problem. Johhn M.

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