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KL-503 Mobile Amp*

KL-503 Mobile Amp*
KL-503 Mobile Amp*
Brand: RM Italy
Product Code: W90-00022
Price: $279.99

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* Warranty Options 9:

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10 reviews   Rating: 4/5.
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Amp is a 300 Watt Average depending on the output of the radio and
how accurate the SWR meter is.

OUTPUT : 60-250W(PEP) AM/FM - 120-450W(PEP) SSB/CW
13" W x 9" L x 4" H
  • NOTE: This device has a terminal to connect a power cable.
    So not a fixed power cable and no power cable included.
    To prevent damage to your installation, make sure to use power leads from good quality, sufficient mm2 and not too long.

  • There is no warranty on these items

    *These units are for industrial, scientific, medical, or export use only. It is a violation of US FCC regulations to operate these units on the Citizens Band or Amateur Radio Services in the United States. Please check regulations in your country before operating these unit.

| 10 reviews
excellent amp. at first i kept getting reports of distortion no matter how many watts input, any settings. my brother figured out the problem. i was using 12 gauge 120v copper wire. i took his advice and bought 6 gauge dc copper wire and now it sounds like a big badass radio pumping out 300 watts on am, and 450 to 475 ssb. 50 amp power supply 13.8v
| 10 reviews
Mike, if your in Oregon and you talked to Alaska… most likely you actually talked to “spun one” he lives in a camper behind my friends house. ( It’s his uncle ) He claims “ Nome Alaska” when in reality he is broadcasting from Springfield Oregon. Lol. Known him for 17 years. He’s got really dirty bleed over and I hear him on the television when at my friends house. He’s a tweeker. Seems a nice guy though.. but he’s always fooling everyone into thinking they are hitting Alaska. Perhaps you did… but if it was Nome… think again, lol !
| 10 reviews
Just upgraded from a 203p to this and have it paired to a uniden 980 ssb with a 2 watt dead key AM swinging to about 10 watts and about 11 watts on ssb and I'm seeing 290-295 watts AM and just over 400 on ssb. Sounds good and the price is right. Don't understand Darwins review as he was over driving it in my opinion or his modulation was clipping and distorting his audio.
| 10 reviews
This is a very good linear amp. Kicks butt when the skip is in. I'm in Oregon and talk to most of the south and south-east coasts easy, Hawaii and So. Cal. on occasion, and Alaska near the Artic circle. I recommend this linear. The price is right too.
| 10 reviews
This amp works best at a drive of 12 watts maximum on ssb. Depending on your microphone stock or powermic it varies a little,but i have seen pep at 380 watts on ssb. The preamp works great bringing in those weak signals strong and readable. I am now working local groundwave stations so far at a distance of 110 miles with ease!

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