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KL203P Mobile

KL203P Mobile
Brand: RM Italy
Product Code: W90-00008
Price: $104.99

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11 reviews   Rating: 5/5.
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Supply 12-14 Vdc
Input power 1-4W
Input power SSB 1-20 W
Output power 100 W (PEP)Max
Output power SSB 200 W (PEP) Max
Fuse 12 A
Preamp 26DB
Inversion Polarity Potection
Electronic Switch
Mosfet Finals
Recommended Power Supply: 15 to 20 Amp
6" W x 5" L x 2" H
*There is no warranty on these items

*These units are for industrial, scientific, medical, or export use only. It is a violation of US FCC regulations to operate these units on the Citizens Band or Amateur Radio Services in the United States. Please check regulations in your country before operating these unit.

| 11 reviews
Good amp and im gonns buy another one.AA++ from ohio
| 11 reviews
Does the trick. Had to add a RM Italy 500 watt low pass filter, like the instructions came with said to do. Also wired in a 80mm fan with three speeds to keep it cool. Get good mic checks and just enough power/size to get out in a Mobile without keying over everyone or Rodger beeping into the galaxy
| 11 reviews
Great little amp works really well I already ordered another one for backup preamp works well also very impressive amp. highly recommended.
| 11 reviews
Great lil amp good performer I like mine so much that I bought a 2nd one for a backup .
| 11 reviews
The KL-203P is a very compact amplifier and a solid performer. I must reiterate the point that these are low drive amps. I achieve the best performance for my needs at or below 2W drive and typically operate these at ~1.5W input. At 1.5W drive it generates ~40W AM deadkey and @3.0W average power in it yields ~55W average (not PEP) on SSB. I own a few TC-300 amps and actually prefer these smaller amps for mobile use. We work in some very remote locations in the western U.S. where mobile phone coverage is often still very poor so having reasonable RF power, especially in emergencies, is essential.

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