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Connex 3300HP

Connex 3300HP
Brand: Connex
Product Code: E00-00003
Price: $299.99

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3 reviews   Rating: 5/5.
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Dual Mosfet Finals

BLUE meter light

BLUE Channel LED

Small Meter with Scales for Signal Strength and Power Output

Red/Green Transmit LED

Noise Blanker

Automatic Noise Limiter

3-level Dimmer

AM/FM/PA modes

Echo Board with Two Controls

Talk Back "ON" during Echo

Two Power Output Levels

10 Watts FM /AM power

+10KC Switch

Pre-wired for FC 347 (or FC-30) Frequency Counter

4 pin mic wiring

Size 15.87 x 8.75 x 2.87


| 3 reviews
I loved my connex 33hp with blue lights and 50 watt swing I could talk any where I talk from west virgina to california almost every day of course I had a 700 watt behind it. But it was a great radio until it got stolen now i have nothing . Oh well maybe one day again.......
| 3 reviews
radio was delivered on time and it performed great thanks copper
| 3 reviews
If you have mid level soldering skills and can follow simple instuction this is a very good radio,and the recieve is super. All that is needed is a good power meter and your set. Well and common sense helps..

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