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Ranger RCI 2950DX 10 & 12 Meter

Ranger RCI 2950DX 10 & 12 Meter
Brand: Ranger
Product Code: R10-10003
Price: $309.99

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24 reviews   Rating: 5/5.
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Blue Display
Variable power output control Adjusts your deadkey power.
An improved receiver Designed for increased sensitivity and image rejections.
A double FET balanced mixer For improved receiver intermodulation rejection.
New power supply protection And temperature compensation for improved stability and reliability over wide temperature ranges.
Surface mount components For increased resistance to shock and vibration.
Improved display lighting for easy reading in a wide range of light conditions.
10 & 12 Meter Bands Allows you to recieve and transmit on these popular amateur frequency bands.
Receiver Clarifier (0.5kHz) Allows you to adjust your recieve frequency.
Noise Blanker/ Automatic Noise Limiter Reduces extra static and recieve noise.
Programmable repeater offset Allows you to offset your frequency for FM repeator use.
Active frequency scanner Scans through to find active frequencies.
Ten programmable frequencies Program in your most monitored frequencies for easy access.


  • 6-Pin Dynamic Microphone
  • 3-pin two-wire power cord
  • Mounting Bracket
  • Mounting Knobs
  • Microphone Holder
  • Operation/Owners Manual

    Ranger Communications once again sets the performance and reliability standard for Amateur mobile transceivers with the latest generation of our popular RCI-2950/70 series of cost effective, multi mode (including single sideband and CW!), high performance transceivers.
  • The following product is covered by a 2 Year limited warranty with Ranger

  • Length: 9 1/4"
  • Width: 7 7/8"
  • Height: 2 3/8"
  • Add approx 1" for knobs on front & 1/2" antenna connection on back


| 24 reviews
works great on 12 meters,use it all the tme...N3RON
| 24 reviews
this product i would i would recommend to everyone that wants a perfect 10 meter radio this is the best radio that i believe is on the market today.
| 24 reviews
The "RCI '2950'" is a fantastic QRP Radio; and with the optional expansion and tuning/alignment services, it is bound to bring it's operator many, many hours of each year of its owners' operation of the rig an enormous pleasure and satisfaction; whereas, the acquisition & modification of radio's microphone to incorporate DTMF operating capabilities; can, could, and will serve the radio's owner with enhanced Repeater connectivity capability and added QSO communications adventurous opportunities! 73 to All !!!
| 24 reviews
I have had my RCI 2950 more than 10 years and still looks NEW. I also have a New in the Box Connex Saturn to set up when I am Still The # One Beach Bum on the Bare Butt Base - Peter Dragging in the Sand, Now that we all have that settled, Yes I am Back in Florida. But hard to find, Getting ready to put up a Yaggy hook up the X-Force and do some talking, See ya out there. I still check i9 & 21 maybe you will catch up with me. Many will remember the Handle ( How can you miss it. 73s See Ya
| 24 reviews
Bought my second RCI-2950CD from Coppers(spelled right) with the mod and once again it has great audio!

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