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Ranger RCI 2950DX6 10 Meter

Ranger RCI 2950DX6 10 Meter
Brand: Ranger
Product Code: R10-10014
Price: $399.99

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2 reviews   Rating: 5/5.
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  • 10 & 12 Meter Bands
  • Large Frequency Display with Dimmer
  • Improved Receiver Design
  • Variable Output Power Control
  • Active Frequency Scanner
  • Receiver Clarifier (±0.5kHz)
  • Ten Programmable Frequencies
  • Noise Blanker/ANL Circuitry
  • Frequency Selector Lockout
  • Programmable Repeater Offset
  • Public Address Feature
  • ALL NEW LED display replaces the old LCD display.  This display will be easier to read from various angles.
  • An improved receiver: designed for increased sensitivity and image rejections.
  • A double FET balanced mixer: for improved receiver inter-modulation rejection.
  • New power supply protection: and temperature compensation for improved stability and reliability over wide temperature ranges.
  • Surface mount components: for increased resistance to shock and vibration.
  • Improved display lighting: for easy reading in a wide range of light conditions.
  • Variable Power Output - great for PSK-31 operation.
| 2 reviews
I've owned and run my RCI 2950DX6 for almost 2 years now, continuous, haven't turn't it off, and everyday with propagation, it brings the world into my QTH and with the 85 watt output, so far, I've been able to work almost every station I've heard. The 2950DX6's receive is superb compared to the first gen 2950 that I owned back in the mid 90's. The new color display is a Hell of a lot easier to read at at any angle compared to the original orange one. Ranger developed the Radio's design layout back late 80's and has made continuous improvements till we got the radio today. The layout is easy to use while operating mobile. I use mine mainly for sideband ops but when I do go AM, I get comments like WOW, that radio has loud and clear audio! So, if your on the fence over which all mode radio to purchase, give the RCI 29** series a long look, it's hard to go wrong with a radio model that can operate 3 bands and that's been around for this long, there is a reason, just ask an owner!
| 2 reviews
good radio. lots of extra power. copper tuned it up for me. it was fixed up real good. it is loud in the corn fields. thanks Copper

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