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Ranger RCI-2995DXCFHP

Ranger RCI-2995DXCFHP
Brand: Ranger
Product Code: R10-10120
Price: $899.99

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24 reviews   Rating: 5/5.
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  • 10 & 12 Meter Bands
  • New Built in Cooling Fan
  • Improved Receiver Design
  • Variable Output Power Control
  • Mic Gain
  • Active Frequency Scanner
  • Ten Programmable Frequencies
  • Programmable Repeater Split
  • Receiver Clarifier (0.5kHz)
  • Dual Panel Meters
  • Noise Blanker/ANL Circuitry
  • Frequency Selector Lockout
  • Continuous Duty Built-in AC Power Supply
  • 100 watt radio
  • 6 pin mic wiring
  • The following product is covered by a 2 Year limited warranty with Ranger


| 24 reviews
I bought mine a while back and I've loved it ever since then.
| 24 reviews
When I got my 2995DX CF from Copper it worked for a short period then a Mosfit went out and I don't blame Copper, I blame the RCI Ranger Factory. I took my radio up to Superior CB with the warranty and got it fixed and had the lights in the meters changed. The radio has talked all over the place, AM, and SSB.
| 24 reviews
Great AM radio. Very bad on SSB
| 24 reviews
I bought one new in 2003 and had it tuned for best "swing" and modulation without clipping anything. And, I added the rear fans. I have a JoGunn flat eight beam at forty feet about seven miles from the Atlantic Ocean just north of Stuart, FL. Just running about 50 watts, I talk to nearly anyone in EU, UK and Russia and across the Pacific. Not to mention SA. Of course the beams help a whole lot but this is a really nice radio and I've never had a bit of trouble. I have three Yaesu's; FT-1000D, 2000D and 991A which I use much more since getting licensed later in 2004. I agree with other posters in that for the price of the 2995 it should have more knobs and features. But, I do believe it was made more for CBers but Ranger just made it as a 10/12 meter rig so it could easily be converted to CB use. Oh well.
| 24 reviews
love this radio. i have ham radios costing 50$ more money i prefer to use this one. i got a kenwood ts 2000 yaesu 450at icom 7300 still love this rado more

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