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Ranger SRA 198 Mic

Ranger SRA 198 Mic
Brand: Ranger
Product Code: R10-10136
Price: $29.99
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3 reviews   Rating: 5/5.
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This Mic is a rugged noise-canceling microphone
Mic has excellent active noise filter that cancels any unwanted, disturbing surrounding sounds.
The voice response characteristic is excellent which also works well in a quiet environment.
4 Pin Prewired

| 3 reviews
Using this mic on a Stryker SR447HPC2, hands down the best mic for this radio. Clean and clear audio that sounds natural. Tested against a RK56 and D104M6B, they’re both now in my storage bin and the 198 is my go to.
| 3 reviews
just recieved this mic today. clarity is amazing . tested it against workman 56 diesal newer 636/rk 56 none of these were as clear sounding as the 198. the orginal made in ohio 636 was slightly louder however was nasily sounding. the orginal rk56 was a hair louder but suffered from muffled sounding.very awsome product from coppers would buy one again
| 3 reviews
This is my go to mic for all my Magnum radios and any radio that doesn't need a power mic.. It works superbly side band as well as am.. Super clean and clear.

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