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Solarcon A99

Solarcon A99
Brand: Solarcon
Product Code: A65-00002
Price: $179.99
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28 reviews   Rating: 5/5.
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17' Omni Directional Base Antenna
  • Fiberglass Base Ant., 17 ft. length
  • Operates on 10-12 Meters without Tuner, 8.2dbi
  • Handles 2000 Watts P.E.P.
  • Three Sections
  • 1/2 wave over 1/4 wave tuned antenna
| 28 reviews
When you need a Good antenna and have limited space for a ground plane and its large ground radials, the A99 is the ticket. Great performance right out of the box.
| 28 reviews
I brought one from here and I love mine I have a RCI 2995 and it works on all of my 10/11/12 meters one of the oldies but goodies
| 28 reviews
Excellent Product. My radio ears & transmit sounds great.
| 28 reviews
I had one for around 50 year's and still working.
| 28 reviews
I bought this antenna about 3 months ago and finally got it up in the air. I used a push-up pole, since I cannot put my tower up right now. I live in a townhouse and got permission from my landlord to let me install everything. I raised the push-up pole to around 25ft-28ft. high even though it extends to 37ft. I did not want neighbors complaining about the height. I did nothing to the Antron except hook=up the coax, and turn the RCI 2995dx on and I was talking 55 miles plus away from me.I have had nothing but good reports on this Antron. I am waiting for skip to roll in, to see if I can get out and talk to the big boys! I have had beams all my life Moonraker, 4 element Quads, Maco beams, Wilson 400 and so on. I kept all of these in case I can someday put them back up in the air, but until then I will keep using this Antron99. I would Highly recommend this Antron to anybody out here! It's simple to install with a NO hassle SWR to set! Everything already done for you from the factory.

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