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Solarcon IMAX GPK

Solarcon IMAX GPK
Brand: Solarcon
Product Code: A65-00005
Price: $99.99
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2 reviews   Rating: 5/5.
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Groundplane kit f/ Imax Ant.
Lowers angle of radiation f/ greater range.
Kit includes 1 mounting bracket and 4 fiberglass radials.
New mounting bracket makes it possible to add to already installed Imax Antennas.
Each Radial are 6 foot in length
| 2 reviews
Thinking of adding this to my already installed Imax 2000 antenna. Working mine on the Amateur Radio bands of 10-17 meters now and making lots of contacts. Hoping to 'hear' better with this addition!
| 2 reviews
this item is well worth the money.i have a uniden washington, imax 40 foot at the base.antenna alone is pretty good,but people that i talk to that was giving me a 3 to 5 s with the ground plane kit,that same person gives me a 9 s unit.if you have 10 minutes and a 7/16 wrench your set to go.p.s. thanks coppers for the fast shipping and great service.happy dxing 207

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