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Stryker SR 447HPC2 10 Meter

Stryker SR 447HPC2 10 Meter
Brand: Stryker Radios
Product Code: S70-05004
Price: $279.99

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1 reviews   Rating: 5/5.
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  • AM/FM, 55 watts,
  • RF Power control, Rf Gain,
  • Mic Gain, Band control,
  • Variable dimmer,
  • Multiple display colors, SWR,
  • Variable Talk-back,
  • NEW heat sink design, ROUND Meter, etc. etc.

This is a NEW design radio and has many more features than listed. If you are driving at night, you will appreciate the new 30 stage dimmer, which on its lowest setting turns all lights off. The 447HPC2 10 meter radio includes our famous variable talkback, never settle for anything less! This NEW radio from Stryker is sure to be a top of the class!!!

Slimmest 10 Meter Radio

Stryker Radios, brought this additional feature, keeping in view the requests of the recent customer. The MAJOR issue that provoked to its improvement was the decreased space for rising the radio inside any vehicle. SR-447HPC2 is a compressed but complete 10 meter amateur radio that can be adjusted easily into any space provided. So mounting it won’t be a problem. We ensure this little radio is as productive, efficient and reliable as the more seasoned players from Stryker.

Better Sound

Transmission clarity has also been enhanced with the capacity to deliver as high as 55 watts PEP as the output power. The innovative SR-447HPC2 10 meter amateur radio offers more radio in a littler bundle than ANYBODY else. In the event that you cherish that enormous radio sound, you will love this new radio sound. For adding the edge to your communication, SR-447 HPC-2 likewise highlights interior treble and bass modification for the receiver that helps in noise reduction, particularly repetitive sound. Full, Rich HiFi balance add profundity to your message improving your voice and in addition keeping it loud.


(W) 6.2 (H) 1.9 (D) 9.7 including extended parts on depth to include knobs on front panel.


| 1 reviews
Awsome radio great receive this radio will do 1.5 watt dead key and swing 60 watts and i even have it turned back some the radio would do more, great clear and very loud audio it has a very big punch to it, i have had nothing but great feedback on my stryker 447, i recomend this radio, i like my galaxy radios mobiles and bases, this stryker 447 will out talk, better receive, and do more watts than my balaxy 33,55, 2517,and 2527 with receive mods and swing kits, my good friend and my radio tech tuned all my radios and he`s the best and he too is very impressed with the stryker 447, he wants one now. If you want an awsome radio buy a stryker 447 it hits the boxes very good too. Night Rider

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