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Texas Star DX 1600 Mobile

Texas Star DX 1600 Mobile
Brand: Texas Star
Product Code: W90-00280
Price: $965.99
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10 reviews   Rating: 5/5.
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  • 100W Input
  • 1200W Output
  • 8- 2SC2879 Transistors
  • SSB Delay

    *These units are for industrial, scientific, medical, or export use only. It is a violation of US FCC regulations to operate these units on the Citizens Band or Amateur Radio Services in the United States. Please check regulations in your country before operating these unit.


| 10 reviews
Amp makes more power than expected for DEI transistors, I drive it with a texas star 250 and it easily makes 1400 pep on SSB, gets hot as hell, make sure you get the fan kit with this amp !! I LOVE MY TEXAS STAR....... THANKS COPPER FOR BEING THE BEST FOR OVER 30 YEARS ! PLEASE TELL JOE FROM THE H&Y side Bill "357" sends his very best
| 10 reviews
I have had this amp for many years now and I have had nothing but complete happiness from the use of this amp. It is reliable and built tough. When I use this amp it will get your signal out through the toughest of conditions. I have had 100 percent great reports from every contact an no negative reports. If I had any suggestions to make for this product I would say ( ADD A PRE AMP ) like you have on your other amps. If anyone is in the market for an amp , this is the one I suggest everyone to purchase. Thank you TEXAS STAR FOR A GREAT PRODUCT. THANK YOU COPPER FOR SELLING TEXAS STAR AMPS
| 10 reviews
Dead Key 10 watts, swing 100 to 120 into the dx1600. Radio: RCI 2970N4 - Power Supply: 2 Astron VS-70m run in parallel 1200 watts out at max output. 60 to 80 amp draw - 35 to 40 amps from each supply, 14volts steady. Antenna: (CRAP) IMAX 2000 - swr's without tuning 1.7, 1.3 at max ouput with tuning.
| 10 reviews
I bought one and a Galaxy 98VHP at different times and did a retune on the 98 so I can go down to 6 dead key and stop it at 50 wat DK. I drive the 1600 with around 20 swinging to just around 100 when it beeps, I run a 225 amp alternator, 1000amp battery with a 3farad stiffening cap at the amp on audio grade cable from the batt fused under hood for + & -. No problems running it there with lights and A/C on since alternator is rated to output 135amps at idle speed, just a massaged part of the police package on the Crown Vic Interceptor. Easy kilowatt and could dead key more into it and still have plenty of swing.
| 10 reviews
is good and math with my radio

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