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Texas Star DX 500V Mobile *

Texas Star DX 500V Mobile *
Brand: Texas Star
Product Code: W90-00250
Price: $524.99
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15 reviews   Rating: 5/5.
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  • 500W/45A
  • 4-2SC2879
  • Variable Power W/SSB Delay
  • Meter

    *These units are for industrial, scientific, medical, or export use only. It is a violation of US FCC regulations to operate these units on the Citizens Band or Amateur Radio Services in the United States. Please check regulations in your country before operating these unit.




| 15 reviews
I'm on SSB 100% of the time and the Texas Star DX 500V is an excellent amp. Using an MFJ Giant Watt Meter the 500V PEPs around 350 to 450 with nominal use. I use a PowerMax 100A power supply with no problems. You can tweak this 500V with the VARIABLE knob and DIAL A WATT button along with your radio's RF PWR control. The Dial A Watt feature is also excellent for lessening a stubborn SWR reading. The 500V has a neutral sound (unlike an RMS Italy amp) making this Texas Star DX 500V a pleasure to use. My 500V dances with a Stryker 955, Lincoln II+, George FCC, McKinley, an RCI 69 Base +, and and and a KENWOOD 590S. Let's Mambo! Thanks Copper for great service.
| 15 reviews
Great linear, on decent skip days it puts my san diego mountain signal to georgia easily, good days my transmission reaches syracuse, this is without dropping power of the linear using the variable potentiometer, Galaxy repaired mine from lightning damage free, now i have 4 of them for my 2 stations this linear is very comparable to dave made 4 pill with respect to power
| 15 reviews
Excellent amp. I have had it a few months and it has performed beyond expectations. I have bought alot of products from Copper and have always had a great customer service.
| 15 reviews
I have had a hard time with the dail a watt.The factory replaced it so easly free of charge,fast. There built well, without being a static box for the toasters in our,your town. Remember to ground it very well...
| 15 reviews
I have had my 500V a couple of weeks now. I drive it with my radio set at 30 watts. The amp swings about 500 watts. I love my TX Star. I'm going to buy another one and use on my base station at home.

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