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Track Scan Radio Headset

Track Scan Radio Headset
Brand: Track Scan
Product Code: T60-00002
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AM/FM Radio Headset with the Optional Scanner Cable
Radio Volume Drops to Hear the Scanner Transmission
AM/FM Volume Gradually Increases when Scanner Signal Stops
When using the AM/FM Radio headset with the optional scanner cable (this is a standard 3.5mm to 3.5mm mono cable), the advanced circuit allows you to listen to the AM/FM radio and, as a signal is received from the scanner, the radio volume drops so you can hear the scanner transmission. When the scanner signal stops, the AM/FM volume gradually increases.
While track scan has designed this headset for use with their scanners in a loud track environment, it could also be used in other noisy environments where it is acceptable or necessary to wear a headset to prevent ear damage.
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