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Uniden BC Home Patrol-1

Uniden BC Home Patrol-1
Brand: Uniden
Product Code: P70-04075
Price: $489.99
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1 reviews   Rating: 5/5.
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Simply enter your zip code and HomePatrol-1 does the rest. HomePatrol-1 lets you quickly hear the communications systems used by Public Safety, Aircraft, Military, Weather Spotters, and More. Whether it is across town or across the street, HomePatrol-1 keeps you informed Uniden HomePatrol Digital Scanner HomePatrol Police, Fire, EMS. Optimize and Set-up Your New HomePatrol Scanner

Rechargeable AA or Alkaline
Color, touch-screen 3.5" LCD
Front-firing speaker
AC Power Adapter
DC Power Cable
USB cable
Desk Stand
Quick Start Guide
  • Simple Programming
    Simply enter your zip code or city, and HomePatrol-1 selects the channels in use in your area.
  • TrunkTracker IV (Motorola APCO 25 Digital, Motorola, EDACS, LTR)
    Lets you monitor all of the major types of communications systems used by public safety, local government, amateur radio operators, and more.
  • S.A.M.E. Emergency/Weather Alert
    Allows you to specify the area that you need to hear any alerts that may be Weather, Civil, Biological, Nuclear, or National in nature.
  • Covers US and Canada
    The built-in database includes all known channels in use in the United States and Canada. (All services not available in some areas.)
  • Quick Record and Playback
    Lets you record sessions for later playback or archiving.
  • Instant Replay
    Lets you replay the most recent reception with a single tap.
  • 3.5" Daylight Viewable Display
  • Free Radio System Updates
    Radio System database is updated weekly.
  • No Subscription Needed.
  • Touchscreen Operation
    Makes it easy to control what you are hearing.
  • HomePatrol Sentinel PC Software Included
    Lets you update the HomePatrol-1's database, update firmware, and more easily manage favorites lists and other settings in your HomePatrol-1.

| 1 reviews
Ive owned one of these now for over two months. Its an excellant scanner, all you have to do is type in your zip code and it will download and program all your channels for you. You can edit or add as you like. I like the built in battery in it. If something is going on in your neighborhood all you have to do is unplug the ac cord and take it outside with you.Also has great audio loud and clear. I highly recomend, you wont be disappointed in this one.

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