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Uniden PC78LTX

Uniden PC78LTX
Uniden PC78LTX Uniden PC78LTX Uniden PC78LTX Uniden PC78LTX
Brand: Uniden
Product Code: P70-05130
Price: $89.99
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2 reviews   Rating: 4/5.
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  • Hit the road in trucker's style with the Uniden PC78LTX CB Radio. Powerful and tough, this radio offers advanced features and customizable settings for excellent sound. With this radio, you never have to miss another transmission, even when you are driving.
  • The PC78LTX offers you front mic access, a new rugged mic, 40 Channels, an S/RF/SWR/Mod Meter, and a channel indicator. Also included is a channel selector, a TX/RX indicator, instant channel 9, dim control, noise blanker, RF gain control, a PA mode, mic gain control, and a Hi Cut Function.
  • Microphone Settings for Best Sound: This radio's multiple adjustments allow you to fine tune the signal and sound, for excellent clarity. Change the squelch control settings and the ANL/Noise Blanker option to reduce static and enjoy clear sound. Adjust the microphone gain to control the mic sensitivity.
  • Integrated SWR Meter: Keep your CB station performing at its best using the CB's built-in SWR meter to precisely tune your antenna for best signal.
  • If you're looking for a proven radio that will stand the test of time, go no further. Package includes: PC78LTX CB 2-way mobile radio, Microphone, Mounting Bracket Kit, DC Power Cord, and Owner’s Manual.
| 2 reviews
Great Working Radio`s will not work as good as a Cobra 29 LTD Classic But it does a Good Job about 5 Miles on Highway and about 25 Miles on Flat Land after Being Peaked & Tuned BY ACE`S Two Way Shop in Monessen Pa ..
| 2 reviews
The Uniden PC78 LTX is a great radio in my opinion. I have used one in my big truck (Mack Pinnacle) for the last 5 years without failure or problems. I have used s couple of different antennas including Wilson's and K-40's due to damage from low limbs etc., with no change in radio performance.I had it "peaked and tuned" a couple of years ago and it was kicking right at 12 watts transmit power. Stock I could sent and receive about 10-11 miles, and after the peak and tune that increased to about 20 miles on flat terrain.This is a rugged radio and I prefer it to the Cobra 29.

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