iRADAR APP - Receive and report live police alerts including, speed traps, road hazards and red light cameras based on the nearly 1 million iRadar users out on the road today.
BLUETOOTH - Legally use your smartphone to answer, place and terminate phone calls at the touch of a button while stayng focused on the road. With a noise cancelling microphone, you can have quality conversations over the noise of the engine.
Rewind-Say-Again – Replay the last 10 seconds of a missed message that is automatically recorded with a digital voice recorder so you never have to miss valuable information and you can also record a 10 second memo to replay at anytime.
10 NOAA WEATHER CHANNELS - Be the first to know of incoming hazards or changing weather with instant access to NOAA weather channels 24 hours a day an audible tone warning from the station.
NIGHTWATCH - Fully illuminated customizable 4-color LCD Display in Blue, Red,Green, and Amber for easy viewing in day or nighttime conditions so you can stay focused on the road without distracting bright lights.