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Cobra 25LTD AM/FM

Cobra 25LTD AM/FM
Cobra 25LTD AM/FM Cobra 25LTD AM/FM
Brand: Cobra
Product Code: C90-05012
Price: $124.99
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3 reviews   Rating: 5/5.
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  • Dual-Mode AM/FM 
  • Front Microphone Connector - Allows convenient installation in or under dash
  • Adjustable Dynamike Boost - Dynamically boosts microphone for increased voice clarity
  • Tactile Controls - Allows you to feel where the dial is in its rotation without taking your eyes off the road
  • PA Capability - Use your CB radio as a public address system with PA speaker; incoming signals can also be monitored through PA
  • RF Gain - Adjusts receive gain in weak and strong signal areas
  • Switchable Noise Blanker - For increased noise reduction
  • Dimmer Control - Adjusts brightness of the front panel, channel display and signal strength meter
  • Instant Channel 9 and 19 - Instant access to emergency channel 9 and information channel 19
  • Dimensions - 7-9/32" W x 8-5/8" D x 2-13/64" H


| 3 reviews
The Cobra 25LTD is the perfect blend of simplicity & performance. It can be modified to outperform many of the much more expensive radios. Overall, a superb value...
| 3 reviews
I have an original 25 LTD (MICROPHONE JACK ON SIDW ) MINES TUNED UP BY MY FRIENDS RADIO SHOP..I GET 32 watts swing pep on a dosy METER ...I TALK BAREFOOT ,I ALSO DRIVE A TEXAS STAR 125 MODULATOR with it PEOPLE SAY SOUNDS LIKE IM RUNING " BIG POWER." I OWN AN OLDER 148 gtl SSB ..peaked & TUNED.extra channels CLEARAFIER UNLOCKED..GREAT RADIO ALSO...COBRA HAS THE BEST RECIEVE IVE EVER HEARD BETTER THAN MIST EXPENSIVE EXPORT 10 meter radios ..the noise blanker cuts static out & cuts out engine noise static ..COBRA is extremely reliable as mine are from 1991 & still going strong !!
| 3 reviews
So this radio just like any other cobra.. It works great.. Easy to tune for beginners, sounds great, lots of things you can do to them.. And you can easy get %100 mod with a good power mic and a little adjustment here and there.. With a good tune you'll see about 15 —20 watts Pep out of this unit..

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