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Maco M103C 3 Element Beam

Maco M103C 3 Element Beam
Brand: Maco
Product Code: M00-05100
Price: $209.99
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9 reviews   Rating: 5/5.
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  • 3 Element/ 11 Meter Base Antenna
  • "Maximum Beam", Gain: 11(db)
  • Adjustable Gamma Match 2000 watts
  • Boom Length: 11.5', Turn Radius: 10'
  • Power Multiplication:20x
  • Front to Back Separation:25(db)
  • Stack with YQSK for extra 3db
  • Boom OD (inches) 1.5
  • Longest Elements (ft) 19
  • Surface Radius (sq. ft.) 4.5
  • Wind Survival (mph) 90
  • Tuning (Meters) 10-11
  • VSWR (adjustable) 1.5 or <
  • Weight (lbs) 14
  • Stacking Kit: MBSK
  • Can be used Vertical or Horizontal


| 9 reviews
Gut mine 7 years ago and now their 18foot long boom and dominating performance
| 9 reviews
I have one of these and really like it. For a small beam, it does a good job. I ran a PDL-ll back in the early 70's up til the mid 90's when an ice storm took it down. It was the best beam in my book, but not available now, so this is about the best for size and cost that you will find now. I put it ahead of the Sirio 3 element for performance. They claim the Sirio works only horizontal where you can run the Maco horizontal or vertical and I have ran mine both ways with good performance. I have my Maco fixed to where my SWR is 1.1 most of the way from 22.000 MHz to 56.000 MHz (it gets up to about 1.3 SWR in a couple of places. I've worked on antennas since 1959 getting them to broad band. This of course is just my opinion between the Maco and Sirio 3 element beams.
| 9 reviews
I'm kind of interested in this beam.. BUT.. I can't find what wave it is.. does anybody know..
| 9 reviews
I have one of these that I used for years was mounted at 50 ft.and could get out very good and talked all over the US and skip down in the islands only problem was the radios that were pushing real high power and they just over road everybody I took it down when went up to 7o ft.and got my ham ticket but am thinking about getting it put back up
| 9 reviews
I purchased 2 sets of these beams from Copper to stack at 65' and I can't say anything bad about them. They have a narrow front end and excellent rejection. I can put the back corner on locals putting +20 on my ground plane and almost knock them completely out with the beam. I highly recommend the M-103. They're hard to beat for the money. If you have the cash, get 2 sets and stack 'em for the extra 3db.

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