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Maco M107 7 Element Beam

Maco M107 7 Element Beam
Brand: Maco
Product Code: M00-05106
Price: $629.99
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1 reviews   Rating: 5/5.
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  • 7 Element / 11 Meter
  • Maximum Beam, Boom Length: 37.5'
  • MAC Adjustable Gamma Match 2000 watts
  • Gain: 17.5db, Turn Radius: 22'
  • Power Multiplication: 55x
  • Front to Back Separation: 36db
  • Stack with MBSK for extra 3db


| 1 reviews
I talked on the CB alot in my younger days, an had a set of 7s approx 68ft on a custom built Hazore system, Definitely a very good antenna, the transmit was outstanding along with the rejection on this beam had very good front corners rejection also I feel the spacing in the elements is everything an it just seemed like this beam had amazing transmit. If I had it to do over again I'd use the same beam just put a rejection kit on back possibly an get a tail twister rotar.. I feel this beam would beat any Jogunn antenna. HAPPPY DXING !!!! BANANA #7

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