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Maco Shooting Star 8 Element

Maco Shooting Star 8 Element
Brand: Maco
Product Code: M00-05124
Price: $464.99
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7 reviews   Rating: 5/5.
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Dual Polarity Operation, Boom Length: 16', Gain: 14 db, Turn Radius: 13'

  • Front to Back Seperation: 38db
  • Power Multiplication: 28x
  • Maco 2kw Power Handling

    When performance at a price is your main consideration, look at the 8-element Shooting Star. Developed to fill the need for top performance, dual polarity operation, the Shooting Star has a gain of 14dB. That's like transmitting with 28 times your normal power! The design uses a 16-foot boom with six scientifically-spaced elements and a quad reflector to obtain the best combination of gain and front-to-back ratio. It's the same design used to bounce signals off the moon! And, it has the Maco 2kw power handling capability!


| 7 reviews
Only beam I put together.In 2002 an it still amazing me.Didn't need no power just my 2517 Galaxy can get me all the DX I need.I highly recommend it
| 7 reviews
Awesome antenna works great and even Canada thinks so works great of my Stonewall Jackson thinks so in a small space its a good beam to have I would recommend it to anyone

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